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Shake to charge


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Shake your phone and charge your battery !Finally it is possible to charge your android phone without using a charger.
It is enought to start this app and to shake your phone, then after a while your battery will be fully charged.
Hold the phone stroglly in your hands and shake it for around 3 minutes
Use your motion power (kinetic energy) to charge your battery. Check the battery indicator (battery monitor) and see that when you shake the phone (or you move) your battery is being charged.
After shaking the phone for few minutes you can see the battery level going up.
This kind of charging doesn't do any harm or demage to you battery it is better even from a eco charger.
Run this app and shake the device.
Here is the simplest way to recharge the battery!
This is a new way to charge your battery. This is a new rechargeable battery concept that lets you choose between charging it on a standard charger, or simply shaking the phone.
Shake and Charge Your Mobile Phones will be the new slogan.
The process of generating electricity it is after effect of the subjecting an object to physical or mechanical stress.
Piezoelectric properties point toward the capability of an object to generate electricity, this is the concept of chargeing of this app.
A battery charger is a device used to put energy into a secondary cell or rechargeable battery by forcing an electric current through it.
This is an entertainment application to prank friends. Have fun with this joke application. Show this app to them and make them shake your phone.

App Screenshots

Shake to charge download

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown ~ UNITY ANDROID

Artikel Shake to charge ini diposting oleh Unknown pada hari 08 Agustus 2012. Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda serta kesediaan Anda membaca artikel ini. Kritik dan saran dapat anda sampaikan melalui kotak komentar.

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