Mohon komen di sini! ()





Fwarp, the funniest way to edit photos on your Android phone.Welcome to the new level of face warping fun!
To start with, we have added 6 model portraits for you to fwarp but don't stick just to these, use your family, friends or pets :)
- Advertising free!
- Tablet screen compatible, native layout
- Warp pictures from your gallery or take new ones on the spot
- Realtime editing, beautiful and easy to use interface
- Drag brush that moves the pixels around as you drag your finger across the screen - best feature for a wider than usual smile!
- Pucker brush - moves the pixels towards the center of your touch, making it ideal to shrink face or body features
- Bloat brush - moves the pixels away from the center of your touch, perfect for enlargements (wink, wink)
- 3 different brush sizes for extra precision
- Undo or Redo your warps, to exact precision (unlimited steps), to restore to original press the Undo button for 3 seconds
- Play function that animates your creation
- New Doodle tool with 2 brush types (normal&blur)
- Save the images to your SD card or share with your friends (Gmail, MMS, Facebook, Twitter, etc)
Follow us on Twitter:!/fwarp
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Special thanks to Viorel Sima ( for some of the model images.
NOTE: This app is ad-free. It features extended functions and by purchasing it you are supporting us to develop new and fun apps for your Android device.

Fwarp free download

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Ditulis Oleh : Unknown ~ UNITY ANDROID

Artikel Fwarp ini diposting oleh Unknown pada hari 11 Agustus 2012. Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda serta kesediaan Anda membaca artikel ini. Kritik dan saran dapat anda sampaikan melalui kotak komentar.

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